Think about the cards you already have in your hand, and what cards are more likely to come up next. With this fact in mind, try to plan ahead as much as possible. Once you’ve placed a card into a set or run, it must stay there and cannot be moved. Staying flexible, knowing how to use the cards, and the best way to discard your hand are all crucial to success in this hit classic. Oftentimes we avoided the kitchen all together because for such a simple card game, it sure could get heated and loud.Ī Phase 10 strategy can be very straightforward but there are some curve balls to keep in mind when playing. Of course, I was more interested in swiping the crackers and cheese from the party platters. There were many nights that Grandma had her group of friends over to play this twist on the classic Rummy game. She even bought some card games.Īnd even though my Grandma always was a big player of Rummy and War, a new card game called Phase 10 caught her attention. Games like Monopoly, Yahtzee and Clue soon filled up the game closet. My Grandma went out to the local Walmart and scooped up some other classic games we didn’t own.
After the numerous tournaments of Stratego went over so well at my Grandma’s house, it was like board game fever caught hold.